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Hamsters etc.. are pretty easy to clean out but to make life even easier i advise that you spend say about four pounds on a rodent potty i recomend the potty from KOKY its cheaper than other potties it come with a bigger spade and and is totally safe on your pet. pottys work like cat litter trays you put the litter in the tray and the hamste etc.. wees in it i find they dont poo but you can use the handy little spade to clean the potty and the poo out.

hamster potty
The potty is easy to acess 4 your pet and easy to clean out.
  Minature Hamsters
If you have an miature haster like a Russian, Chinese or Robs hamster just because they are samll does not mean they do not need alot of exercise and the big exercis balls are so heavyfor the little chaps and chapettes that a MINATURE HAMSTER BALL is just the thing they ate light and compact and you can find them in most petstores. i got mine from a petstore in Hertford, Hertfordshire, England

When thinking of buying an exotic you must really think it over (you may be able to hunt down my Which Pet flow chart 4 exotics) they have special requierments but a graet thing you must have is variation of heat so a heater pad or lamp is requiered.

More advice

Gerbils thrive in a square fish tank with a secure lid weighted down with a brick they dont need many accesorise just a bed box and a couple of tubes.

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heater pad
Just slide it under the bedding and pug in you may need some help from a pet shop.